01 May 2009

Hi again...

Just thought I'd share some news really.

My auntie (Claire) came over from Astralia the other day and she is staying for 2 more weeks. She got me loads of stuff from this ultra-popular australian stationary shop called Smiggle. She's taking me and my sister out for a picnic this Sunday...I can't wait!!

I'm sleeping at Kirsty's house on Saturday and she's takin me to see the Hannah Montana movie AAAHHHH so excited!

Mia xx

15 April 2009

Birthday celebration!

It's my little sister Connie's birthday on Friday and she's going to 6 years old! On Sunday she is having her birthday party at Build-a-Bear in Lakeside (and McDonald's afterwards). She's having a joint party with her best friend Larni. I know itt's a 6 year old's party, but I'm actually really excited! I've never been to Build-a-Bear before!

If you have any birthday messages for Connie please leave a comment!

Mia xx

P.S. remember to carry on my story if you haven't already! (scroll down)

08 April 2009

Half Term

We haven't got much planned for the next two weeks apart from this afternoon my mum is taking me and connie to Ilford and clayhall park afterwards (they have really cool new equipment there!) Also on Easter Monday we are going to my Auntie's house. I want to know what you are doing this half term so comment and tell me all about it!

Mia xx

25 March 2009


I got a bit fed up of my old chain story so I thought I'd make a new one for my new post.

It all started one chilly winter morning when I got out of bed and peered out of my bedroom window, I was shocked to see...

Please could you give sensible lines to my story (That means nothing like ...my boyfriend flirting with my arch enemy...) as I want it to be a really good one. I have also made a rule that you have to write at least 4 lines, otherwise it isn't fair on me if I see a knew person has commented and then realise they've only writen one line.

Thanks for your co-operation

Mia xx